Thursday, December 15, 2011


That project is using pictures and mix it with the photoshop...
It is very funny and interesting to can play with the picture how you want

 The first one is a different scale mix with the same photo and with a texture 

The second one I used a boat photo and I have played with the diferents efect in he same photo

That all when I'll do more I'm going show you!

Friday, December 9, 2011

PROJECT #5: WHO AM I? (Self-portraits)

I take all this photos during only one weekend, in the shops, in houses friends, in the street, at my home... so that self-portrait is about me in my free time...

The first one is the picture of all the negative that i develope...

After saw all the photos I had on the negative I choose my favorites and I have developed it

That one is the first that I developed and it was  at my home at night with the light of my little lamp

The second one I did it in a bathroom, with a very poor light after dry my hair

The picture number three is one of my favorites and is a photo of my computer

The last one is my favorite and I take it in a shop some days before the black Friday
And that is, it was funny that project, and very difficult to take a pictures of my self and now that will be right.

Monday, November 7, 2011


In the end I use three different people:

  • The strips:

  • All the negarives:

  • The other three persons:

I took that photo after a football game in front of the fire and we only can see the half of the face
In the front of the picture we can see a big pumpkin but there are two faces, one in the middle of the picture and the half of an other face.
I like this photo about the face of the boy. he is smiling but looking to the floor, so probably someone felt in that moment, haha

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I like to make phtographies of leaf so... I'm going to show my favourites...


Like the proyect is to turn the light and the colors of the pictures i'm going to show both: the original and the other:


I love both of that photos because when I change it the white parts makes more light in the pictures

If I did the same change in that photo the god color never appear, so I change the way to make the colors curve and I meade that thing!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


My number:
When you were born, you were the:5,795,355,882ndperson alive on Earth81,163,197,860thperson to have lived since history began

Monday, October 31, 2011


That pictures was my first pictures did with the camera!


The Pumpkin represents the direct light side, because in the left you can see a lot of light, with out shadow, and in the right there aren't light. but there are shadows everywhere 

Light Fairy

And the fairy represent the blacklight, because there is a spotlight in the back and I only can see the shape of the fairy

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Using digital photos, I changed by the photoshop to makes it differents!!!

That first one is taken in Cantabria few years ago... I prefer to not burn the to girls and the water, and now look like a dream...

 That mansion is in Santander in a very beautiful village (but now i can't remember the name) and I don't burn the tree, the wall and the mansion because I want to look like a haunted mansion...
That statue is in the same village of the mansion, in the cementery. I don't burn the drapes and the crucifix and I  like it a lot!
 That is in a riad in Marraquech and I try to  don't burn the white things to give the picture more lightness.
Here is in Egyp, with my family, five years ago. I only try to don't burn the persons and the colors of the camels to give closeness to the picture

In that project I use different types of burn for change the picture and I think that was very interesting

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shadow to Light

That is my first practice: 1 second 
2º one: 0.6 second


Marrakech novemeber 2010

Tring to find the ligh outdoors

The negative are in the left and the positive in the right 

 That pictures I have taken in the entrance of the High School, and I like it because the circule around me is so cool.

That photo is in diagonal, yo can see it about the tree what isn´t in a normal position, I like that kind of photo! It show you an other form to see the world.

I like the composition of that picture because the tree start in the right and continous for all the top of the photo given a protect sensation, like a snow ball.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Don´t be negative. be positive!!!!!!

That's the first pictures we have done at class with a bottle camera.
I think in the negative photo (left) I´m like a ghost (jaja). Like that was my first photo with a bottle camera I can´t belive it, because I only stay in front of a bottle for 2'32" and later I put the special paper in the developer and like a magic appears my photo.
When I change the negative photo by the positive I have started to belive in magic